I Got a Job Today

As you can infer from the title, I got a job today.

I’ll be starting as a web developer/engineer for PMG Digital Advertising Agency next week. I’ll be working in Fort Worth, close to my home and TCU, which are actually pretty close to the same thing. I’ll say it’s pretty neat to those who ask me about it, but secretly, it’s made for one of the happiest days of my life.

It’s a weird feeling being 23 and stuck in limbo with regards to one’s career. Maybe I’ll write more about it one day. If you don’t know what it’s like to struggle to find a job, or to wrestle with indecision about what you even want to do, suffice it to say that there’s a lot of self-doubt and an overall sense of failure. These are feelings and thoughts that are easy enough to manage or overcome most of the time, but not always. Maybe I’ll write more about that one day, too.

But for now, I’m just excited to see what the future holds.

Written on July 14, 2015